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Finansininkų grupė
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Accounting law of the Republic of Lithuania;
Business accounting standards;
Law on financial reporting of enterprises of the Republic of Lithuania;
The law of money;
Foreign exchange law of the Republic of Lithuania;
Law on Joint Stock Companies of the Republic of Lithuania;
Labor Code of the Republic of Lithuania;
Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania;
Resolution of the Standards Council of the Institute of accounting of the Republic of Lithuania on the approval of the model SF account plan;
LRV Resolution No. 179 on the approval of the rules for the organization of the work of the pancreas and the conduct of pancreatic operations;
LRV Resolution No. 1283 approval of the procedure for the installation and use of cash registers;
LRV no 719 on the approval of inventory rules;
Registration of individual activities;
Certificate of individual activity
On the adoption of a description of the environmental pollution tax control procedure
Act of incorporation of a limited liability company (Annex)
Model Private Limited Liability Company
Annex to statutes (example)